Education is much more about learning than about teaching. The responsibility for educating children and young adults has, for a long, long time been placed on the wrong shoulders. Good students - not good faculties - make for good schools. Look at how careful the top schools are about selecting their candidates for admission. If you don't believe that the student is the key, simply make a list of the most outstanding government leaders, scientists, artists, writers, business people, and clergy that you can think of. As an example, let's say Washington, Lincoln, Edison, Einstein, Bach, Beethoven, Van Gogh, Picasso, Shakespeare, Hemingway, Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Martin Luther, and the Dalai Lama. (Compile your own list and put a hundred names on it if you like.) Ok, now, list the names of their teachers next to them!!! It simply can't be done!!!! Teachers are not irrelevant, but learning really comes from the student - not the teacher. Nobody can spoon feed you your education.