Monday, May 14, 2012

Getting Old is BAD

Don't listen to anyone who says old age can be fun. It is absolutely not true. They should not be called the golden years - they should be called the rusted years. Even if you're in good health, at age 75, you always know in the back of your mind that as soon as you're gone, no matter how GREAT you were, NOBODY will remember anything you did.  Of all the billions of people who ever lived, not even one tenth of one tenth of one tenth of one tenth of one percent are still regularly talked about - perhaps one hundred historical figures in various fields: science, art, politics. You cannot enjoy anything when you're dead and you KNOW you'll be dead soon. People treat you with respect but only out of respect, not genuine interest. You are basically shoved aside. You become obsolete in front of your very eyes. You also look horrible - wrinkly and crooked. If you get sick, things are only worse. You spend a lot of time just worrying about whether you'll get sicker. You get depressed easily. You spend too much time with doctors, looking for a cure for the incurable. The only good thing about growing really old is that you might get to see a lot of your friends die before you do. That's it. Then, it's your turn. Death is NOT normal and it is never fun. Old people know all of this but they just pretend things are ok and that they are fine with old age. They are NOT. Getting old is bad - really bad. Let us not pretend otherwise. It is a CURSE but people just insist on looking on the bright side.  In this case, there isn't any. hahaha