Monday, March 21, 2011

National Public Radio

There is talk about NPR - lots of it. It has become a favorite topic of commentators and bloggers. NPR has lately been tarnished by a series of missteps. It isn't perfect. What is? I say just leave it alone. It will learn and move on. No need for anyone else to meddle in its affairs, and, if the government funds it to a small degree, let it be. We certainly get our money's worth. Even the Timid Reporter could not do a better job, even if he is much less pretentious.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Design Design

How much attention do marketers or producers or manufacturers or store owners pay to design? A lot. In fact, Apple Computer's guru (Steve Jobs) thinks design is not only one of the most important things in a product but that it's the only thing. Think about that. My blog, I hope, is well-designed. It has music, photos, graphics, and nice colors. The writing does not much matter. Agreed? If you want nice, smart, imaginative designs delivered in record time and at a low price, go here. The woman at left will thank you. Wild Sight 

Friday, March 11, 2011

News and more news

Ladies and gentlemen: NPR announced that an 8.9 magnitude earthquake had struck Japan this morning. I was just getting up. The quake was a strong one. It created a scary Tsunami which even touched the western coast of the USA. The odd thing about all this is that the NPR news team announced it in a very matter-of-fact manner, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. It did not indicate anything close to the davastating effect this would have on Japan and other countries. I don't think they knew how deadly it was. One other thing - the day 911 happened, the same type of news update was given. One could not tell - from the announcer's initial broadcast - how serious an attack it would turn out to be. Sometimes, we just don't know. Protector