There is an ad on this page which advertises Paris apartments as an alternative to Paris hotels - if you plan to stay for a while - longer than a few days, but not for too long. Paris is, of course, one of the most beautiful cities in the world; however. it can be expensive. Those high prices sort of keep it exclusive.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Yemen and Germany
The recent bombing plots have prompted Germany to immediately halt all flights from Yemen to Germany. It seems that twice weekly flights from Yemen to Franfurt are too risky for comfort. Germany - and all of Europe - will soon be forced to take extraordinary measures to protect itself. Does anyone blame them?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Europe to the Right

European Union,
topless woman
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Chile is proud
All of the trapped miners in Chile are about to be rescued. The engineers have gotten 29 out already. Chile should rightly be proud of this terrific accomplishment. Even the President of the country is present at the rescue site. Of course, they had technical assistance from many different countries but we should keep this in mind: they were not too proud to ask for help. The rest of the world should learn from this. Chile, as I have said before, pulled itself out of a cycle of poverty in less than twenty years. We need to ask them how they did it.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Economics vs Poverty
So, the Nobel Prize committee is at it again. This time, they awarded the Economics Prize to three men who teach somewhere - it really doesn't matter. Economics has never actually been a science but there you have it. I submit to my six readers that one of the most pressing needs of our time is to solve the riddle of poverty. Yet, among the dozens of economics gurus who have received the famous Nobel Prize, none has had a fix on the problem, much less a solution. Is that not ironic? They know as much about poverty as this topless woman.
Friday, October 8, 2010
So, a Chinese man has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This sort of thing makes news for about two weeks then goes completely away, but it has made the leaders of China very mad. They claim that this man, who is currently in jail, does not deserve this award. The man, according to the Chinese leaders, is a criminal. The Nobel committee is just trying to start trouble in China - that's what the Chinese leaders have said. If you will recall, China executed a man for possession of drugs not too long ago, even in the face of protests from all corners of the globe, especially England. They do not tolerate lawbreakers. Think about that.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Giovanni Boldini
A story on Yahoo! has it that a recently discovered (and untitled) painting by Giovanni Boldini was auctioned for nearly 3 million dollars. Nobody seemed to know much about the artist until the discovery. Now, he is quite popular - at least for a while. It seems that the best part of the story concerns the apartment where the painting was found. It had not been used in seventy years - since about 1940. The tenant was simply paying the rent while the apartment remained unoccupied. The absent tenant was the granddaughter of the woman who probably posed for the artist - Marthe De Florian. Stories like this are still unfolding and they seem - to most people - very romantic.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The 2010 Nobel Prize for Physics has gone to two scientists who did lots of research on a substance that's so thin it is almost invisible. It is called graphene and is nothing more than a single layer of graphite, the gray stuff that's in the center of a pencil. It is being called a two-dimensional substance though I disagree. I don't think there is such a thing as a two-dimensional substance. It is the thickness of a single atom so it has thickness. It also has height and depth. There you have it. Someone once said that they could make pancakes so thin they had only one side. Really? Everything, as far as I know, is three dimensional. If it's not, then it comes from a realm I know nothing about - a spiritual realm. Thank God this topless woman is three dimensional. Really.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Terror Alert
Have you heard about the terror alert issued by the U.S. and other countries? The alert simply asks that anyone traveling or living in Europe be more cautious than usual - be watchful. Some people have criticized the alert as being too vague. They will go about their business as usual. Others have said they don't know what it means. Let me tell them then that what they need to do is be alert. That's all. Why would the authorities be more specific than that??? On the other hand, I would caution any terrorist to be especially careful in targeting Europe - you are likely to wake a sleeping giant and you will regret it - especially if you target Germany. This topless woman has nothing to do with it. Really.
Eastern Europe,
European Union,
topless woman
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Final Frontier
China launched a moon probe today. It will explore stuff which the U.S. and Russia have already explored. What is the point? This topless woman wants to know! If space is to be explored, why mimic the same competitive spirit and adversarial nature that people on Earth have experienced for thousands of years already? What's the use of exploring space and setting up colonies and all the rest if at the end, nothing but strife and poverty will result? Anyone know? We are simply exporting misery out to space. Really.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Violence in Ecuador
Well, have you heard? The police in Ecuador went on strike and even jostled the President of the country because they were angry at some benefits they were about to lose. They were angered by a law passed by Congress on Wednesday that would end the practice of giving members of Ecuador's military and police medals and bonuses with each promotion. It would also extend from five to seven years the usual period required for a subsequent promotion. The funny thing was that - unlike the French and Grecians - it was the guys in authority who rioted, not the common people. Really.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Here we go again, blaming teachers for the poor performance of students. Education is not about teaching, it's about learning. The learning comes from the student, not the teacher. That's logical. If you fill a classroom with bad, lousy students, you will get bad results. It's like making a pizza with bad ingredients. It's that simple. Really. Does anyone know where bad students come from?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Have you ever wondered: There are some people who are so gifted that they find doing difficult things rather easy. Musical child prodigies for instance. There are also people who are not so talented or smart or well-educated who nevertheless, achieve grand schemes, whether good or bad. Those we call politicians. We also call them warlords. What makes a person so ambitious that he would want to lead an entire country or an army of criminals?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Cuban freedom
NPR ran a story about Cuban economic reforms. Although it provides many basic services for its citizens free of charge, Cuba actually has trouble feeding itself. A Cuban farmer made a statement that went something like this, he said: "If we all become intellectuals, we will soon have nothing to eat." True enough. I have long believed that the economic future of most nations lies in agriculture. It is such a simple solution to so many problems. If only Mexico would try it. Of course, there are people who would like to keep production low so as to keep prices high. What a shame!!!!
China again
From a story on Reuters: "BEIJING – China told the United States not to interfere in a regional dispute over claims to the South China Sea, saying it would only complicate the matter. China has been increasingly strident in asserting its territorial claims, especially maritime ones. "We express great concern about any possible South China Sea announcement made by the United States and the ASEAN countries," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a regular news briefing. ASEAN is the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations. "We resolutely oppose any country which has no connection to the South China Sea getting involved in the dispute, and we oppose the internationalization, multilateralization or expansion of the issue. It cannot solve the problem, but make it more complicated," she said.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Leningrad Siege

Saturday, September 4, 2010
The Main Problem

Even within a single nation, the problems confronting the general population are, at best, addressed by stop-gap measures which politicians dream up. Most people, as long as their daily lives remain relatively normal go on about their business until the day they die, seeking not so much permanent solutions to their dozens of problems as mere distractions from them - alcohol, drugs, entertainment, you-name-it. Were this not the case, we would be living in a man-made Utopia, no?
Friday, September 3, 2010
It appears Stephen Hawking, the British theoretical physicist, has said in his latest book that God is really not necessary in order to explain Creation. He brashly states that it is theoretically possible for something to spontaneously come from nothing. This statement is, of course, absurd. The very first words in the Bible state: "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." I can either believe God or I can believe Hawking. I think I'll stick with God. Hawking is hallucinating again. Please. By the way, the painting posted here was created by me. It did not come from nothing.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
So, then what???

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution (at Stanford) since 1980 has written a new book - Dismantling America and Other Controversial Essays. I have not read the book but it sounds quite interesting. Sowell is a very fair-minded and smart man. He is also wise. How do I know? He does not take himself too seriously. He also has a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Chicago.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Khalil Museum
A famous Van Gogh painting has been stolen - again - from the Khalil Museum in Egypt. The previous theft happened in 1972. The thing was recovered ten years later. They say it is worth about 50 million dollars. The owner of the painting should really take better care of it, no? The papers are saying the alarms in the museum were not working and only seven cameras were operating on Saturday when the thing was cut from its frame. Imagine that. It might be recovered again and let us hope in less than ten years this time.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Lori Berenson
The name Lori Berenson rings a bell. She was accused of aiding a rebel group in Peru long ago. She has been in prison for 15 years and now wants to come back to the U.S. for medical treatment - like the Lockerbie bomber, remember? She was initially sentenced to life but that sentence was reduced to 20 years when she was re-tried in a civilian court. She has been out on parole since May, 2010. She was 25 years old when first apprehended and is now 40. She says she is sorry for whatever it was she did. Most people don't believe her. I seem to remember someone asking me (a long, long time ago) if I could get her out of the country. Of course I said no. How could I???
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Exaggeration for money
Stories are beginning to come out about how the Gulf of Mexico is already healing. According to many experts, the oil spill was supposed to ruin the gulf waters for years to come. It seems they underestimated the power of Nature. I am not surprised. Were the original claims of devastation greatly exaggerated to get more money from British Petroleum? Or were the scientists and environmentalists just being inept?
British Petroleum,
crude oil,
Deepwater Horizon,
oil spill
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Daniel Leo Simpson
Daniel Leo Simpson is a very rare composer indeed. He is an anachronism in this age of atonal, super-complicated, minimalist, violent, irrelevant, un-natural, unintelligible, and irreverent music. He writes simply and melodically. Everything makes perfect sense, as in Mozart's day. I have posted one of his YouTube videos down below. Enjoy.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Potential disaster
Well, now that the oil leak in the gulf has been capped, the big worry is whether there are other leaks underground, out of sight. If the cap is kept on, the leaks could get larger and unstoppable. British Petroleum appears not to care. They want the cap left on for public image reasons. The government wants the cap off so as to avoid a (potentially) much bigger disaster. Who will prevail?
Ahora que el derrame de aceite en el golfo esta tapado, la preocupacion es que tal vez haya mas derrames invisibles bajo el subsuelo. Si la tapa se queda puesta, los derrames podrian hacerse mas grandes y sin solucion. British Petroleum quiere dejar la tapa por razones de imagen publica. El gobierno quiere quitarla para evitar una catastrofe mayor. Quien dominara?
Ahora que el derrame de aceite en el golfo esta tapado, la preocupacion es que tal vez haya mas derrames invisibles bajo el subsuelo. Si la tapa se queda puesta, los derrames podrian hacerse mas grandes y sin solucion. British Petroleum quiere dejar la tapa por razones de imagen publica. El gobierno quiere quitarla para evitar una catastrofe mayor. Quien dominara?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Quack Doctors

Saturday, July 10, 2010
It has now come out that the whole spy swap was something the government had been considering some weeks before the arrest of the 10 (or 11) spies recently arrested. It will later come out - I predict - that some guy named Atenojenes coordinated the swap from the Netherlands. Don't ask me how I know these things.
Friday, July 9, 2010
French Scandal

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wall Street Bankers
Let me tell you. Wall Street bankers have done a number on the USA. It's really a pity that legally, nobody can tell these men how much is too much. I heard a story the other day about one hedge fund manager who makes $900,000.00 per hour. Might that be true??? If this were 1789 and we were all French,....
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Queen and the U.N.
I'm sure you know that Queen Elizabeth was at the U.N. today promoting peace. It is so annoying to hear the same old tired speeches by all world leaders. They all essentially say the same things over and over again. They all love peace and justice and democracy and prosperity and a good economy and rights for every imaginable organized group of citizens. All of them say things the people want to hear. I seriously think all they are really trying to do is keep the lid on potential catastrophe. For this they get paid? It is simply too amusing.
Monday, June 28, 2010
OK. Listen carefully ladies and gentlemen. I found this new site which produces music editing and writing software. Its name is FLEXIMUSIC. You'll know how to find it on the WEB I'm sure. ( I am about to try its software because I like writing music. I will then compare it to the other programs I have. You know what those are - Sibelius, Cakewalk, Finale, etc..
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
The big to-do in Washington today was about a General and his staff and the President, his Administration, and the chain of command. It appears that the top General in Afghanistan (one of the poorest countries on the face of the earth) publicly criticized the Administration. Of course, he should have been fired immediately. When you work for someone, loyalty is uppermost. If you bite the hand that feeds you, that is not only unwise, it is unjust and disloyal. Leave your post first, then criticize all you want.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Health care anyone???
I just ran into an old TIME Magazine cover story on health care - it was from July, 1998. They were making a big deal out of some problem with health care back then. Things just never change. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Carolina Herrera,
European Union,
health foods,
Real Estate,
U.S. Economy
Sunday, May 30, 2010
An unusual month
May 2010 has been an unusual month. We have had the usual disasters and political upheavals but things tend to take on a different hue when summer approaches. The British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has become the world's worst - to date, anyway. Greece is still struggling but the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti have become a distant memory. As a famous politician once said: People have very short memories. His future is secure.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Greece and money management
When you stop to think about it, countries are just like people - after all, countries are made up of people, no? Take Greece, for instance. It has been living off of loans, just like the U.S. It is like a person who lives on credit cards. Now comes the time to reap what they sowed. The E.U. has to rescue it, just like a mother and father would rescue an irresponsible child. Let us hope the lesson has been learned.
Monday, May 3, 2010
5113 Warheads
Someone announced today that the U.S. had 5113 nuclear warheads in its ready-to-launch stockpile. The number was considered top secret for many years though I think the number is still secret. Thinking that the 5113 number is real is pretty silly.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
It seems likely that within a few months, the Catholic Church and the Church of England will merge. Many will say this is impossible, but the ground work has already been laid. All it needs is a trigger event. Then, the Church will merge with the Government. Back to Square One.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Lech Kaczynski

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Construction business
As you know - I'm sure you do - many businesses sometimes benefit from the urgent needs of others. Doctors do, nurses, paramedics, ambulance services, funeral homes - you get the picture. A business that is sure to be in demand is construction and all construction suppliers. Why? It seems to me that destructive earthquakes and floods are becoming more and more numerous. The more they destroy, the more rebuilding needs to be done. Food suppliers also make extra money after disasters, especially when crops are destroyed. A word to the wise as they say.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Fairy tale
It has been a while - perhaps a month since I last came by here. I read a short article the other day about some anthropologist who has been doing research for a long, long time into how monkeys live. The purpose of all the studying is supposedly to figure out how the knowledge gained can be applied to human behavior. I think the real purpose is to earn a paycheck so that the anthropologist can buy groceries. This person - it is to be expected - is a believer in the fairy tale called evolution. The human race has been carrying this albatross around its neck long enough. I am not God's advocate - He does not need one - but if you just think about how every species - whether animal, plant, or human - procreates, the existence of a Supreme Being is entirely undeniable. If anyone has faith in the falsehood we call evolution, it is only because they want to - there is truly no evidence to support it. It is all conjecture. One cannot believe that the Jupiter Symphony exists and then say that Mozart didn't write it. Please.
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

health foods,
New York Times,
topless woman
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Iraqi Army Officers

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010
Global warming again

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Too Smart Toyota

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Russian Stealth Fighter

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
State of the Union

abstract circles,
Timid Reporter,
U.S. Economy
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Eating dogs and cats

fad diets,
health foods,
topless woman
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chinese justice,
corporal punishment,
Topless women
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Google and China

Boston Marathon,
Business Week,
topless woman,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Chile and Haiti

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010
Moises Saba Masri

Monday, January 4, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010
Cars burning up

climate change,
Forbidden fruit,
topless woman,
Topless women
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