Do you believe this? “Right now, there are only 10 stocks worth trading. Just ten. out of 5,600 stocks. That's because the rules of money are changing. And the only companies worth looking at are the ones that are following the new rules. Investment Director Keith Fitz-Gerald knows the only 10 stocks you should invest in right now. He's developed a proprietary system that reveals their future price movements-right down to the penny - with a 95% accuracy rating. It's called The Geiger Index. Keith has spent more than 10 years perfecting this technique, and now he wants to share it with you. To find out how you can use it to your full advantage, take a look at the below report.” Baloney. If he knew that much, he would be Warren Buffet. He makes money selling the report, not buying stocks. PLEASE. The girl at left is saying something like "Convince me."