They say hemlines are a barometer of the state of the economy - the better the economy, the higher the hemline. Evidently, that is no longer true, or someone forgot to tell this lady. The economy does not seem to be doing well, yet, hemlines are at an all-time high. Perhaps the opposite is now true? Who really knows? Common sense tells me that nobody really knows how the economy works. Predictions are useless - even when they come - I should say especially when they come - from the most knowledgeable economists. The other day, I was guessing that the Chinese and other countries had pressured the U.S. government to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and I was right. They were behind it. They sort of pulled the plug. I even heard someone say that if these two giant lenders had collapsed, the entire world economy would have come to a standstill. Maybe we're hanging by a thread (on a short hem) and don't know it?