Dieting is a touchy subject for many people. I have an opinion about diets - no matter what diet plan you are talking about, I probably disagree with it. This may sound simple-minded, but it's my honest opinion. If you eat more than you need to, you will gain weight. If you spend more than you earn, you will go broke. Same difference. As for diet plans - don't complicate your life if you want or need to lose excess pounds. Just eat less, and eat less fatty and starchy food. If you need a gimmick that will allow you to eat less, simply talk more at the table. If you talk, you will spend less time filling your mouth with food. Also, eat all the vegetables and drink all the beer (or whatever) first. It works and I can prove it. My proof is all those pictures one sees on TV of starving people in remote places where food is really scarce. Why do you think none of them are overweight? Nothing to eat. That's my best guess.