You and everyone else knows about the murder at the Olympics. A defenseless man from Minneapolis - Todd Bachman - and his wife were attacked by a deranged lunatic at a tourist site near the Olympic site. It seems like a completely random tragedy. People everywhere are asking why them? Why do innocent, defenseless children suffer every day? Why does the evil so many times gain the upper hand against the good? Surely God knew these people were about to be attacked at least a few seconds before it happened. Most likely He knew days in advance and perhaps even years. Why did He allow it then? That, my friends, is the ultimate question. And the honest answer is: nobody knows. We will have to wait for an answer. All we know is we - the entire human race - are subject to all sorts of bad things. The only thing we can do is try to cope. Remember we are also subject to a lot of good things. On that topic, we seldom ask, why us? Why are we the beneficiaries of so much good? Nobody really knows.