I am an experimenter - I should have been a researcher. I am about to conduct an experiment on this blog, such as it is. Effective immediately, I will be posting unsolicited advice on various topics - too numerous to mention - from anaconcada death grip avoidance to zebra stripe interpretation. I will try to avoid relationship advice - that's way too touchy a subject - now and then, if I can't help myself, it will be here too. I am the writer after all - and, best of all, it will be free. Very soon also, I will start posting profiles of various orchestra members. That will be interesting. They say that truth is stranger than fiction. So, how do you keep an anaconda from strangling you to death? If you can't totally stay away from the rain forest, keep a lighter in your pocket at all times. Light a fire under the snake's belly as soon as you notice it wrapping itself around you, being careful not to catch your own garment on fire. That's my best guess.