Sunday, May 30, 2010

An unusual month

May 2010 has been an unusual month. We have had the usual disasters and political upheavals but things tend to take on a different hue when summer approaches. The British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has become the world's worst - to date, anyway. Greece is still struggling but the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti have become a distant memory. As a famous politician once said: People have very short memories. His future is secure.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Greece and money management

When you stop to think about it, countries are just like people - after all, countries are made up of people, no? Take Greece, for instance. It has been living off of loans, just like the U.S. It is like a person who lives on credit cards. Now comes the time to reap what they sowed. The E.U. has to rescue it, just like a mother and father would rescue an irresponsible child. Let us hope the lesson has been learned.

Monday, May 3, 2010

5113 Warheads

Someone announced today that the U.S. had 5113 nuclear warheads in its ready-to-launch stockpile. The number was considered top secret for many years though I think the number is still secret. Thinking that the 5113 number is real is pretty silly.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


It seems likely that within a few months, the Catholic Church and the Church of England will merge. Many will say this is impossible, but the ground work has already been laid. All it needs is a trigger event. Then, the Church will merge with the Government. Back to Square One.