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Well, it appears like Russia has finally developed a Steath fighter jet - something equivalent to the F-22 used by the U.S. Now that this has happened, U.S. policymakers and other assorted bureaucrats are worried that Russia may sell the plane to Venezuela, Iran, Syria, and other unfriendly countries. This topless woman may know the solution to that problem but so do I. Why not develop stealth missiles capable of knocking down stealth fighters?
The U.S. hasn't been doing too well lately - what with two wars, fear of terrorists, and the recession that feels more like a depression. California has been doing even worse. There seems to be no end to the bad economic news. However, life does go on. Maybe the middle class will completely disappear. Perhaps China can start a foreign aid program to help us out. Who really knows? This topless woman seems to have no worries. Let's all be optimistic, just like she is.
I read in a news story that China is about to outlaw the eating of dog and cat meat. Why? Why are they doing this? Chinese people have been eating dog and cat meat for generations. Now, all of a sudden, it will be against the law and people who eat it will be fined. Animal lovers say it is cruelty against cats and dogs to eat their meat. What about steak and fish? This is terribly confusing. Will the cat and dog population in China suddenly explode? This topless woman probably doesn't care either way.
A school girl somewhere in Saudi Arabia assaulted a teacher and was sentenced to 90 lashes plus two months in jail for her crime. Lots of people are coming to her defense. People from Amnesty International and other mealy-mouthed, wet-behind-the-ears groups are also clamoring for leniency. What do they want? In China, this girl would have probably been executed. This topless woman too.
It has come out that Google intends to pull out of China because the government in China has a habit of eavesdropping on emails and other communications. It's their way of keeping the country safe. The Chinese market, as everyone over the age of 3 knows, is huge. Google will therefore not pull out. Hell might freeze over if that happens. This topless woman might cover up if that happens. The Pope might enter the Boston Marathon if that happens. Please.
Here, we have a great opportunity to learn. We have Haiti on the one hand and we have Chile. Chile has worked its way out of poverty. Study everything it has done right. Haiti is still poor. Very, very poor. Study everything Haiti has done and DO NOT DO AS THEY HAVE DONE. It is that simple. Be honest. Use your imagination. Stay healthy. Get educated. Use your talent for something positive. Work very hard. Save money. Develop good relationships with your neighbors. Fight crime. Be constructive. Okay, you can go now. So can this topless woman. I think she was going to leave anyway.
A bill that would legalize marijuana in California cleared a committee vote Tuesday 4 to 3. They say the vote is symbolic because the bill cannot get to the assembly before the elections in November. Legislators think this is funny. Maybe that's why California is in the mess it's in? Lawmakers and judges entrusted to keep society safe and healthy do not take their duties seriously. Everyone just seems to work for a paycheck. Too bad. Even this topless woman knows better. Trust me on that.
One of the wealthiest (and therefore most influential) men in Mexico died in an accident last night. His wife and son and daughter-in-law also perished. It was an accident that didn't need to happen. They had flown from New York to a small city (Toluca) just outside Mexico City, in order to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city's big international airport no doubt. From there, they were flying home in a helicopter in the forested foothills around the city at night and with fog present. Of course, the helicopter pilot lost his way and they hit somebody's rooftop and fell 65 feet to the ground. The whole thing exploded and they died quickly, I'm sure. His name was Moises Saba Masri. Rich people think they can beat nature. Not even this topless woman can beat nature. She will soon get old. Just wait and see.
Today, the tallest building in the world (Burj Kahlifa) will experience a grand opening. It is in Dubai, a country or business conglomerate among the arab emirates which is heavily in debt. They say the building is twice the height of the Empire State Building and 50 stories higher than the Sears Tower. I have been to the top of the Empire State Building and that seems pretty high to me. I can only imagine how high this new building is. The architects say that it is very likely that this building will remain the world's tallest for the next ten years. It just might remain so for the next fifty years. Bill Baker was the structural engineer for this baby. We'll know who to blame if it falls over in a high wind. This topless woman is afraid of heights so it is also unlikely she will travel to Dubai for the grand opening.
Who cares about climate change??? Nobody. It looks like people who were celebrating the new year on new year's eve burned a total of 1137 cars in France. That created a lot of smoke, of course - polluting smoke. There were 45,000 police out on patrol but they could not stop the burning. The revelers caused an estimated $8,000,000 in damage. I'm assuming all the cars were insured, no??? This topless woman does not know anything - she wasn't even there.