So, the stock market is still falling despite the bailout legislation? The country (and the world) is saturated with economists - some great and famous - yet, only a very, very few predicted the credit disaster. Those who did were not paid attention to. Credit is driven by confidence and trust. Everyone knows that. When confidence wanes, leaving a vacuum, fear starts to take its place. People see doom and gloom behind every tree and around every corner. Politicians are scrambling to settle things down. Even the State of California is asking for a bailout. It seems nothing was learned from Great Depression days. I believe things will actually get better, but what will now happen is that people of all stripes will look to government for solutions. That means government control and power will grow tremendously. Here, it will be liberal power - sharply toward the left. The virus is in Europe also. There, the power will shift toward the right. That's my best guess. What do I know? Get a second opinion.