Saturday, January 4, 2014


According to one very reliable source, these things happen in America every single day: 

240 people die as a result of medical errors 
144 people die as a result of an accident at home 
130 people die as a result of a traffic accident 
110 people die as a result of accidental poisoning 
62 people die as a result of a fall 
49 people die victims of a homicide 
28 people die victims of a drunk driver 
9 people die as a result of drowning 

Maybe we can learn something from these numbers. They say that doctors bury their mistakes so maybe that is still true? Perhaps people should really watch where they are going to avoid being victims of accidents? People should learn how to swim or wear life jackets always? Don't hang around people who might kill you? Don't put strange stuff in your mouth and maybe, just maybe, you won't poison yourself? Nobody dies as a result of starvation so I guess that's a good thing. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Filling up space and time - part two

I'm writing this just to post something on the first day of the year - that's all. I have my trusty vodka by my side.