Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Daniel Leo Simpson
Daniel Leo Simpson is a very rare composer indeed. He is an anachronism in this age of atonal, super-complicated, minimalist, violent, irrelevant, un-natural, unintelligible, and irreverent music. He writes simply and melodically. Everything makes perfect sense, as in Mozart's day. I have posted one of his YouTube videos down below. Enjoy.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Potential disaster
Well, now that the oil leak in the gulf has been capped, the big worry is whether there are other leaks underground, out of sight. If the cap is kept on, the leaks could get larger and unstoppable. British Petroleum appears not to care. They want the cap left on for public image reasons. The government wants the cap off so as to avoid a (potentially) much bigger disaster. Who will prevail?
Ahora que el derrame de aceite en el golfo esta tapado, la preocupacion es que tal vez haya mas derrames invisibles bajo el subsuelo. Si la tapa se queda puesta, los derrames podrian hacerse mas grandes y sin solucion. British Petroleum quiere dejar la tapa por razones de imagen publica. El gobierno quiere quitarla para evitar una catastrofe mayor. Quien dominara?
Ahora que el derrame de aceite en el golfo esta tapado, la preocupacion es que tal vez haya mas derrames invisibles bajo el subsuelo. Si la tapa se queda puesta, los derrames podrian hacerse mas grandes y sin solucion. British Petroleum quiere dejar la tapa por razones de imagen publica. El gobierno quiere quitarla para evitar una catastrofe mayor. Quien dominara?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Quack Doctors

Saturday, July 10, 2010
It has now come out that the whole spy swap was something the government had been considering some weeks before the arrest of the 10 (or 11) spies recently arrested. It will later come out - I predict - that some guy named Atenojenes coordinated the swap from the Netherlands. Don't ask me how I know these things.
Friday, July 9, 2010
French Scandal

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Wall Street Bankers
Let me tell you. Wall Street bankers have done a number on the USA. It's really a pity that legally, nobody can tell these men how much is too much. I heard a story the other day about one hedge fund manager who makes $900,000.00 per hour. Might that be true??? If this were 1789 and we were all French,....
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Queen and the U.N.
I'm sure you know that Queen Elizabeth was at the U.N. today promoting peace. It is so annoying to hear the same old tired speeches by all world leaders. They all essentially say the same things over and over again. They all love peace and justice and democracy and prosperity and a good economy and rights for every imaginable organized group of citizens. All of them say things the people want to hear. I seriously think all they are really trying to do is keep the lid on potential catastrophe. For this they get paid? It is simply too amusing.
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